Victoria Philosophers' Café

Monday, July 17, 2006

Welcome everyone! Please feel free to continue your conversations from the Café you attended on this blog.


At Wednesday, August 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, hello everyone.

This is the Victoria Cafe Philosophy Blog. Do your worst!

Our first topic of the Fall season is:
What is enlightenment? How de we become enlightened?
What do you find enlightening?
Is there a dark side of enlightenment?

So come down Wednesday evenings (to Solstice Cafe, 529 Pandora Ave) and join in the fun.

And add your thoughts here -- afterwards, before, during, ...

Please note the address in the SFU flyer is slightly wrong (not 523 Pandora), but we're is still part of Market Square).

To subscribe to the weekly email list, just ask at

Your moderator,

At Wednesday, January 10, 2007, Blogger Administration said...

Hi Michael,
we're really sorry but due to a glitch in the system your comment was not posted on the blog until today. We think the problem is fixed now.

Please keep posting and checking. Thank you.

At Wednesday, March 14, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is this space alive??

At Thursday, March 15, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm here...was wondering the same thing, lol :)


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